Principles of computing and displaying the results of detection by underwater systems as part of sound velocity measurements

pp. 267-274, vol. 6, 2003

Aleksandra Raganowicz
Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Informatics and Telecommunications, Department of Acoustics, Gdańsk, Poland

Lech Kilian
Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Informatics and Telecommunications, Department of Acoustics, Gdańsk, Poland

Roman Salamon
Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Informatics and Telecommunications, Department of Acoustics, Gdańsk, Poland

Key words:

Abstract: The paper presents the upgraded system for measurements of sound velocity profiles and for computing and imaging the terms of detection in different hydrolocation and hydrocommunication systems. Three types of computations made by the system's processors are discussed. The most interesting task is to link the propagation routes and ray density with the parameters of the hydroacoustic system to obtain the desired display of the conditions to detect the signal from the background noises. Presented discussion of methodology of determining detection conditions using different forms of range equation gives a more detailed description of this task. In the next part of this paper the software's display function and necessary settings are specified and discussed. In the end two examples of computed detection conditions images (for active and passive sonar) are shown.

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