GEOSPAR project: Validation and selection methods of geoinformation analysis using GIS for ranking and forecasting of terrorist threats and criminal events

pp. 217-230, vol. 16, 2013

Andrzej Stepnowski
Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland

Marek Moszyński
Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland

Florian Romanowski
The District Survey Enterprise OPEGIEKA LLC, Elbląg, Poland

Adam Augustynowicz
The District Survey Enterprise OPEGIEKA LLC, Elbląg, Poland

Eugeniusz Kozaczka
Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland

Tomasz Szubrycht
Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland

Krzysztof Ligęza
Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland

Key words: GIS web service; detection and monitoring of hazardous event; remote sensing of satellite

Abstract: The paper presents the description of work activities which have already been done within the first two stages – WorkPackage 1 and WorkPackage 2 - of the GeoSPAR Project. In such a context the general conceptual design of the GIS system and associate web service was presented and analysed. In addition, the operational and technical requirements for the GeoSPAR system have been specified and discussed; with special emphasis on system applications, including both the detection and monitoring of hazardous events along with their simulation and possible outcomes. In particular, the requirements and specification with reference to various sensors and data sources were formulated, these include: airborne data sources, remote sensing satellite data sources and ground-based data sources.

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