Ranges and equipment for the measurement of the ships underwater signatures

pp. 39-48, vol. 15, 2012

Ignacy Gloza
Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland

Stefan Jan Malinowski
Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland

Bartosz Marchalewski
Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland

Key words: ships classification; magnetic, electric, and acoustic signatures

Abstract: Controlling unwanted signatures on warships is a most important effort for ship designers and naval operators. A great attempt is considerate in this field in many countries such as the USA, Germany, Sweden, Norway and in Poland as well. This paper presents ranges and techniques for the investigation of the underwater physical fields radiated by different surface ships and submarines. The Polish Naval Academy and the Naval Test and Evaluation Ranges (NTER) check and next decrease generated by the ship’s physical fields. These underwater signals can be hydroacoustic, hydrodynamic, electric, magnetic and seismic in nature. In order to have good quality measurements, there are land and sea installations, platforms on trucks, and what more a special laboratory aboard the ship. The Ranges also have a fixed and transportable multi–sensor equipment installed in a single module. This apparatus is now being used both for the measurement and for the gathering of scientific data which are next further research and analysis.

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